niimíipuum 'inmíiwit
The People's Year
The traditional niimíipuu calendar differs from the Gregorian calendar as it is centered around the life cycle of the niimíipuu homelands, and nimiipuunéewit (the Nez Perce life ways). The purpose of nimiipuunéewit is to respect tamáalwit (the unwritten law) and honor our relationship with the land and the relatives that share it.
'inmíiwit (year)Learn the names of the seasons. The niimíipuu recognize 8 seasons in a year.
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híisemtuks (calendar/months)Learn the niimíipuu months. The months/seasons of the niimíipuu calendar describe the world around us, and when it is time to harvest certain foods.
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Memory Cards
Practice vocabulary by flipping the cards to match the nimipuutímt word with the corresponding image
Practice vocabulary by flipping the cards to match the nimipuutímt word with the corresponding image