Culture Camp 2023 - Week 1
Listen to Cultural Camp 2023 audio below and follow along with the workbook PDF.
qe'ciyéw'yew' to our titéeq'is Wilfred "Scotty" Scott, and Florene Davis, drummer "Pistol" Pete Wilson (Spirit of the Renegades), and to the campers & camp counselors: Cece George, Jena Henry, David Morel Jr., Joe McConville, Payton Sobotta, Lakeisha Williamson, Cultural Camp helpers: Alicia Wheeler, Kay Seven, Angel Sobotta, Tina Guzman, Kiri George (Scotty's assistant), U of I Moss Camp staff, Lapwai High School Teachers: Emma Shaffer, Brad Peterson & Matt Lattuada. Cultural Camp committee, Alicia Wheeler, Kay Seven, Abe Broncheau, Angel Sobotta, and especially Joyce McFarland who for all of her hard work and dedication to coordinating this event.
Nimipuunéewit: núun hanisíix telkeke’ykew’éet
The People’s Way of Life: We are making leaders.
Nimipuunéewit: núun hanisíix telkeke’ykew’éet
The People’s Way of Life: We are making leaders.
Power Tools
Words from Lady "Princess", Warrior, Bear game (Played like Rock, Paper, Scissors)
Animals for groups or cabin names